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CLoud4Y is a provider of cloud resources and services based on TIER III data-centers, located in Russia, Germany, and the Netherlands. Our aim is to help businesses of all sizes and types to build reliable and scalable IT-infrastructure. We do work to ensure that our customers can implement any ideas in the Cloud4Y from anywhere in the world. Cloud4Y company has professional staff including highly qualified engineers, experienced international experts in the field of design and maintenance of IT infrastructure, networks, virtualization, and security. We ensure clients' costs are optimized by allowing them to adjust cloud consumption at any time. We offer Hourly Billing Model and Pay-As-You-Go, so companies pay a fair price only for what they actually consume. Today, Cloud4Y is in the Top... 10 largest SaaS providers in Russia, as well as takes the third place among cloud providers of third-party products version Cnews Analytics.

15+ SMB SME Non-profits

Backup & Recovery, Virtualization, Server Mgmt, Private Cloud, Microsoft 365... and 5 more
VMware, Veeam
Moscow, Russia

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  • Moscow
    NVision Group is one of the largest developers and suppliers of unique solutions and services in the Russian market of information technologies. More
  • Совокупная выручка группы компаний «Информзащита» в 2017 году составила 8,314 миллиардов рублей (включая НДС), что на 21% выше аналогичного показателя в 2016-м году. «Информзащита» подтвердила сво… More
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